Setting Up
Configure Receipt Printer Dockets
You can configure the receipt printer dockets at Maintenance > Interfaces > Printer Maintenance > Setup Receipt Docket Format When you open that screen, select the receipt printer that you want to configure. One of the common tasks that is done from ...
Configure Kitchen Printer Dockets
The Kitchen dockets can be configured in the Kitchen Docket Formatting section, at Maintenance > Interfaces > Printer Maintenance When you go in there, select the kitchen printer that you want to adjust. The most common reason to adjust things in ...
Light and Dark Modes to Suit Your Environment
POSbiz is by default in dark mode, as our extensive research has proven that we can get the most contrast between the screen and the buttons with our system colours. We also understand that not everyone likes a dark mode, so we have an option to have ...
Staff Security Options
Each Staff Member can have their own level of access in the POS. Below outlines each Security Option. Security Options: POS POS: Give access to sell things and use the basic point of sale. Manage Menus: Lets you turn on/off items in the menu that are ...
Setting Up Staff
Creating New Staff: 1) Enter Maintenance 2) Press Staff 3a) To add a new staff member, press Add 3b) To edit a staff member, select their name and press Edit 4) Press on the blue button under the heading, Name 5) Enter the staff member's name and ...
Setting up Discounts and Surcharges
Select Maintenance then Discount & Surcharges. You will see a list of the current discounts and surcharges that have been created. Create a new discount or surcharge: 1) Press Add 2) Press Button Name, enter the name, e.g 25% Discount and press Ok ...
Setting Up Payment Types
Payment types can be added for various reasons for accounting for how items are paid for. These are setup in Maintenance > Payment Types 1) Select Add Payment Type 2) Press Payment Name and enter the name for this new Payment Type, then press Ok 3) ...
Setting Up Quick Messages
Quick Messages can be setup to provide a Quick Reason when doing some functions in POSbiz. Quick Messages can be set for: Refunds, Cancels, POS Messaging (Broadcasts), Float Adjustments, Writeoffs, Cash Drawer Opening. These are set in Maintenance > ...
Set Up Chits
Chit numbers are a reference number, character or name that identifies an order to kitchen and wait staff. From the POSbiz main screen, select Maintenance then Chit Numbers. In the Chit Numbers screen you can Add, Edit and Delete chit numbers and ...