POS: Give access to sell things and use the basic point of sale.
Manage Menus: Lets you turn on/off items in the menu that are out of stock or no longer used.
Credit/Cancel Rights: Can refund or cancel sales.
Override Tab PIN: Not require PIN when using Tabs.
Open Cash Drawer: Can open the cash drawer without a sale.
Account Manager: Can edit tab details, add credit.
Account Creation: Create a tab at time of sale.
Write Off Rights: Can do a write off or wastage.
View Members Details: Able to view membership details including points history, personal details, etc.
Payment Access: Can process payments.
Reprint Receipt: Can use the reprint receipt function in the POS.
Reprint Orders: Can use the reprint orders function in the POS.
Setup: Access the setup area from the POSbiz main screen.
Access 'Z' Reports: Able to run the end of the day cash up.
Set Float: Set the days float.
Alter Float: Can Withdraw/deposit money from the cash drawer.
Change PIN: Gives the ability to change their PIN
Allow Quit: Can quit out of POSbiz to Windows
Pay Invoice: Pay off an invoice that is in the Debtors system.
Transfer to Invoice: Transfer from a tab or table to an invoice.
View Transactions Audit: Access to view recent transactions.
Tax Removal: Can remove taxes that have been applied to the bill.
Allow Points Refund: Can refund purchased points back to customer.
Allow Forced Happy Hour: Can force on happy hour.
Maintenance: Access to the maintenance screen from the main screen.
Import Menus: Manually import a menu from file - normally automatic when using POSbiz Office.
Add/Edit Users: Add staff members.
Configure Printers: Setup and configure printing on kitchen and receipt printers.
Payment Types: Allow you to set up new payment types.
Secure Payments 1, 2, 3: When setting up Payment Types, you can choose security setting 1, 2 or 3. Selecting the same numbers here lets the staff member use those payment types.
Surcharge/Discount Bill: Can manually apply a discount/surcharge to the bill.
Misc Discounts: With this selected you can change the price for the current sale only. It will revert back to the normal price afterwards.