Your Menu - The Basics

Your Menu - The Basics

You can download a PDF of our user manual at the bottom of this article.

Getting Started

This manual assumes you are already in the Menu Editor with the menu you
want to work on loaded. To reach this stage:
Open POSbiz Office and select Edit Menus.
You will need to select where the menu is that you wish to load:

Load from Database:
This is the menu that is currently being used on the POS.
This manual assumes this is the menu you will be using.

Load from File:
This is a previously saved menu. Useful for incomplete
menus or when preparing a menu in advance.

New Menu:
Create a new menu from scratch. 


Courses are the buttons that run down the left side of the POS
In Menu Editor these are listed in the Left Pane as Yellow Folders.
- E.g Coffee

1) In the Right Pane select New Course
2) Enter the name for the Course in the Course Name field
3) The new course will appear in the left pane
4) Click on the Default Serving Course drop down box and select the
appropriate Serving Course from the list

Kitchen Name – If you want a different course name to print on dockets, this name can be entered in Kitchen Name

Handheld Name – If you use POSdroid, a different, normally
shorter name can displayed on the POSdroid devices

If the required Serving Course is not available in the list follow the steps below

Creating a Basic Item

There are four requirements for a new item,
Item Name, Price, Tax Profile and Category

1) Click on the Course folder where we are adding the new item.
2) Select New Item on right pane.
3) Enter the name of the item in the Item Name field.
4) Click Button Colour and select the colour the button will display on the POS.
5) Double Click the new item in the left pane and then select 0.00 (Default).
6) Price Level 1 is the Price customers will be charged for this item.
(Price Level 2 for Happy Hours, explained in the Happy Hour appendix)
7) Click the Tax Profiles tab, double click the tax profile in Available Tax Profiles box.
   - This will jump from Available to Applied Tax Profiles
8) Click the Categories tab, select the drop down box and select the Category.

If the appropriate Category is not available follow steps below

Create a Category

Categories are used by POSbiz for Reporting in the Reports.

Group – The Folder of options for a set of categories. 
E.g Beverage, Food, Discount etc

Category – Specific categories for a set of items. 
E.g White Wine, Red Wine, Beer

1) In the left pane select Available Categories
2) In the right pane click New Group and enter a Group Name
3) In the Left pane this group will appear. Click this group in the left pane

We can now add Categories to this Group
1) Click New Category in the right Pane, Enter a Name for this category.

This Category will now appear in the drop down list in the Category Tab

Group names and Category Names cannot be the same

Commit this Menu to the POS

1) Click Commit at the bottom right
2) Click OK to force this Menu
3) Click OK on the Menu Saved Pop Up
Open POSbiz and your menu will load in.

If there are any Errors when committing the menu.
1) Take note what the error is. E.g Item has no Tax Profile Assigned
2) Double click the error. This will take you to the item that has the issue.
3) Fix the area the error identified as being incorrect.
4) Click commit again.

Repeat for any subsequent errors
Warnings can be ignored – these will not stop a menu committing.

When Committing a New menu, or New/Renamed Courses you will need to link these to printers.
This is further explained below

Adding Item with multiple Sizes

Start by loading in the Sizes to the Menu
1) Click Available Sizes at the top of the Left Pane.
2) Click New in the Right Pane, enter the name of this new Size.
Commit the Menu after adding new sizes before using them.

Create a new item
1) Click on the Course folder where we are adding the new item
2) Select New Item on right pane.
3) Enter the name of the item in the Item Name field.
4) Click Button Colour and select the colour the button will display on the POS
5) Click on the Sizes tab, in the Right Pane there is two yellow boxes, Available
Sizes on the Left and currently applied sizes on the right. Double click the sizes required for this item.
-You will also need to click Default and then click Delete from this item

6) Click the + on the left pane next to the new item, and then select the size
7) Enter Price into Price Level 1.
     (Price Level 2 for Happy Hours, explained in the Happy Hour appendix)

8) Click the Tax Profiles tab, double click the Available Tax Profile
     -This will jump from Available to Applied Tax Profiles
9) Click the Categories tab, select the drop down, select the appropriate Category
Price, Tax and Category needs to be done on every size.

Adding Item with Forced Sides

Sides can be items that are charged for when added to a order, or can be a choice that is required for an item.
Sides can have a price or be left at $0.00, so these are created as a normal Menu Item.

Create a Course called ‘Sides’ – See 'Courses' above
1) Click on the Sides Course folder where we are adding the new item
2) Select New Item on right pane.
3) Enter the name of the item in the Item Name field
4) *Optional* Tick Only Available as a side. This will mean this item cannot be
selected on its own.
5) Double Click the new item on the left pane, and then select 0.00 (Default)
6) Price Level 1 is the Price customers will be charged for this size
7) Click the Tax Profiles tab, double click the Available Tax Profile
- This will jump from Available to Applied Tax Profiles
8) Click the Categories tab, select the drop down box and select the appropriate
Category - See Page 7

Now click on the item that requires this side
1) In the Right Pane click Forced Sides Tab
2) Click Add Side
3) In the Mini view of the menu, click the + next to ‘Sides’ and select all sides applicable for this item.
4) All the selected sides will display for this item.
5) Commit the Menu once finished

Sides can be put into any group. 
Each Group is a new page to pick from.
So Group 1 will prompt first, then Group 2.

Allow Skip – The Sides page can be skipped with no sides selected
Allow Multi Select – Multiple Sides from the Sides page can be selected

Serving Courses

The default serving courses loaded are:
Entrees, Mains, Desserts, Beverages and No Serving Course
Note: these differ from the menu courses
E.g Lunch Course meals and Dinner Course meals both have Mains Serving C ourse

Creating a new Serving Course
1) Click Available Serving Courses at top of Left Pane
2) Click New
3) Enter the name for this serving course
It will now be available to apply to any courses

Linking To Printers

Any new menus or any New/renamed courses must be linked to a printer.
This is done from the POS.
From the Main POS Screen:
Maintenance > Interfaces > Printer Maintenance

- On the Left are your Printers
- In the Middle are your Menus
- On the Right are the courses in the menus

The Orange Courses, from the Orange Menu will print to the Orange Printer

In the examples below;
a) All the Courses except Coffee from the Beverage Menu prints to the Bar Printer

b) All courses from the Food Menu print to the Kitchen Printer.

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