Category Filtered Discounts and Surcharges

Category Filtered Discounts and Surcharges

Within POSbiz there is the ability to set up a Discount or Surcharge that when applied only apply to certain items.

This may be a special of $5 off medium pizzas, or 10% off all starters.

When applying the discount with category filters, it will only apply the discount to the items that match that filter.
So for a 10% off starters promotion, in the billing on tender section when you apply the discount and you have a range of starters, mains and drink orders, it will only affect the starters.
This means you don't have too manually discount each starter separately.

There are two parts to setting this up.
1. Creating a filter in the menus to assign to the items that are included in the discount.
2. Creating the discount.

Creating a filter in the Menu

Open your Menu in Office 
First we need to create the filter, and then apply the filter.

1) If you have not done this before, create a new Category Group called Discounts. If you already have one then skip this step.
      Clicking on Available Categories and select New Group. Name the group Discounts
2) Click on the Discounts folder and then click New Category
3) Create a category with the name of the promotion.

We can now apply this category to the items in the menu.

4) Find an item included in the discount and expand to the Sizes
5) Select the size to apply the filter and select the Categories tab.
6) In the Breakdown Categories section select Add and select the discount created above and click OK.
The filter will now appear in the yellow box.

Repeat for all items that require the filter.

Once complete commit the menu.

Creating the Discount

1) Enter Maintenance > Discounts and Surcharges.
2) Add the name of the discount to be the name of the promotion.
3) Add the amount and type.
4) Click on Category Filter
5) Scroll through the list and select the filter added into the menu.
Only the category added to the Breakdown section should be selected
6) Scroll to the top to close the selector
7) Select OK to save the discount.

Now the discount is ready to be used.

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